Foundation Council

Piotr P. Dziubak

Piotr P. Dziubak

Chairman of the Council.

A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). An important area of his professional activity is Poland's participation in the work of the Council of the European Union as well as committees and expert groups of the European Commission.

e-mail: piotr.dziubak|| |piotr.dziubak|

Prof. zw. dr hab. Wacław Szymanowski

Prof. zw. dr hab. Wacław Szymanowski

Member of the Council.

Professor of economics, lecturer at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods.

He obtained his PhD in economics in 1976 and did his habilitation in 1991 at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw. He received the academic title of the professor in 2010.

His most important publications include:

- Metody ilościowe w zarządzaniu operacyjnym w przedsiębiorstwie, Warszawa 2001

- Zarządzanie łańcuchami dostaw żywności. Kierunki zmian, Warszawa 2008

- Zarys zarządzania jakością. Ujęcie marketingowo-logistyczne, co-authors: B. Pawłowska, A. Strychalska-Rudzewicz, Poznań 2010

- Foresight społeczeństwa informacyjnego – 2030, Warszawa 2018

e-mail: waclaw.szymanowski|| |waclaw.szymanowski|

Prof. zw. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz

Prof. zw. dr hab. Grzegorz Karasiewicz

Member of the Council.

Dean, Head of the Marketing Department and Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. He holds the title of Professor of Economics awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland in 2014, the degree of Habilitated Doctor (2001) and Doctor (1994) in Economics in the field of Management. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw (1988) and Harvard Business School (PMD 69 - 1995). His research interests are focused on the following thematic areas: strategies of internationalization of enterprises, pricing strategies of enterprises, structural changes in retail, internationalization of grocery retailing, price decision making in enterprises. He teaches the following subjects: Marketing Management, Marketing Pricing Strategies, International Marketing and Marketing Research.

List of selected publications:

Scientific monographs:

  1. Marketingowe strategie internacjonalizacji polskich przedsiębiorstw [Marketing strategies of internationalization of Polish companies], Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Warszawa 2013.
  2. Systemy dystrybucji artykułów rolno-spożywczych na rynku polskim. Diagnoza i koncepcja zmian [Distribution systems for agri-food products on the Polish market. Diagnosis and concept changes], Wydawnictwa Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW, Warszawa 2001.
  3. Marketingowe strategie cen [Marketing pricing strategies], PWE, Warszawa 1997.


Scientific articles – selected works:


  1. Effects of Young-Adults' Loyalty on Their Behavior Towards Brand -A Comparative Analysis of Consumer Groups with Different Levels of Innovative Potential [in:] Conference Proceedings of the 35th IBIMA Conference: Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges, September 2020 (co-author Wiśniewska A.) (p. 9292-9302).
  2. Dezinternacjonalizacja w handlu detalicznym – model teoretyczny [De-internationalization, in Retail – a Theoretical Model], [in:] Ekonomia międzynarodowa, Vol. 64, nr. 23,  2018, (p. 79-90).
  3. Dezinternacjonalizacja w handlu detalicznym artykułami spożywczymi w Polsce [De-internationalization in Grocery Retailing in Poland], [in:] Handel Wewnętrzny, Vol. 64, nr. 3 (374), maj-czerwiec 2018, (p.208-219).
  4. Internationalization of Grocery Retailing in Poland [in:] Journal of Euromarketing, Vol. 26, No. 1-2, 2017, (co-authors: Nowak, J., Trojanowski M.) (p. 38-60).
  5. Market Structure and Price-Cost Margins in European Retail Gasoline Industry [in:] Journal of Management and Business Administration Centrale Europe, Vol.  24, No. 2 , 2016,  co-author: Nowakowski, M.)  (p. 105-124).
  6. Internacjonalizacja handlu detalicznego artykułami spożywczymi w Polsce [Internationalization in the retailing of grocery market in Poland] [in:] Problemy Zarządzania, vol. 14, nr 1 (57), 2016, (co-author Trojanowski  M.) (p. 19-41).
  7. The Internationalization of Polish Firms: An Emperical Investigation of the M-P Relationship [in:] Journal of Euromarketing, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2015, (co-author Nowak, J.) (p. 177-200).
  8. Uwarunkowania polityki cen dla asortymentu produktów oferowanych na stacjach paliw [Determinants of pricing policy for the assortment of products offered at gas stations]  [in:] Marketing i Rynek, Nr 9, 2015 (co-author Nowakowski, M.)  (p. 28-36).
  9. Zmiana roli marketing w polskich przedsiębiorstwach [Changing the role of marketing in Polish enterprises] [in:] Logistyka, Nr 2, 2015 (p. 920-928).
  10. Effect of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising Activities by Product Type, [in:] International Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 44, October-December 2014, (co-author Kowalczuk, M.) (p.74-91).

e-mail: grzegorz.karasiewicz|| |grzegorz.karasiewicz|